News & Highlights

ACDS Teaching and Learning forum – 2024

More than 40 Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) and science education leaders from 24 universities met on July 2-3 at … Continue Reading»

Issue #11 Australian University Science

The latest issue of the ACDS magazine is out now. This issue is titled The Science behind net-zero and showcases … Continue Reading»

ACDS submission to the ARC’s Policy Review of the NCGP

The Australian Council of Deans of Science Inc. (ACDS) made a submission to the ARC’s Policy Review of the National … Continue Reading»

Raising the Bar of Aspiration

‘Raising the Bar of Aspiration‘ was the theme and focus of a presentation by Dr Alan Finkel as the opening … Continue Reading»

Teaching & Learning Grants and Fellowships: applications open

The ACDS is pleased to announce that their teaching and learning grants and Fellowships are now open for applications.  Both … Continue Reading»

University science – the key to our energy transition

ACDS Op-ed: Professor Melissa Brown, President ACDS, and Dr Tony Willis, Executive Director ACDS April 2024 The Prime Minister recently … Continue Reading»

ACSME 2024

We are delighted to announce that ACSME 2024 will be held at the University of Canberra.  The Conference will be … Continue Reading»

Science stands out in the 2023 Australian Awards for University Teaching announced this week

We celebrate the achievements of all colleagues recognised at this week’s Australian Awards for University Teachers (AAUT). The AAUT awards … Continue Reading»

Areas of interest

Icon Research


Identifying and supporting a contemporary vision for scientific research and research education in Australia’s universities.


Icons Engagement


Supporting university capability to deliver impact through scientific research, education and the interaction of science with industry and the community.

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Icon Network 1

ACDS National Research Network

A network of research organisational leaders in Australia’s science faculties and schools.


Icon Events


Current and previous ADCS events and presentations


Teaching & Learning

Leading science education through supporting networks, developing resources and building leadership capacity.