Style Guidelines


•    All abstracts submitted must adhere to this format. Please use the adjacent link to download the template.

•    Abstracts should be a maximum of one page in length and submitted in MS Word or Rich Text format. Do not submit as a pdf file.

•    Do not use EndNote for referencing as we may not be able to format your abstract for the proceedings if EndNote is used. If using EndNote or other bibliographic software, remove edit codes prior to submission.

•    Please include the following at the bottom of your abstract in Arial, 8pt, left justified

Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, The University of Canberra, 18 – 19 September 2024, page X, ISSN Number TBA.

Page setup

Page Size: Your page size should be set to A4 and all margins set at 2.54 cm.

Please use page breaks between all pages, rather than a series of enter keys.

Page Numbers: Do not include page numbers in your submission.

Headers and Footers: Headers and Footers should both be set to 1.27cm from edge. Do not put anything in the headers or footers.

Spacing: All text styles (Headings, Normal and Bullet text, etc.) should be set at single line spacing with zero spacing before and after. There should be a single line break between paragraphs.

Bullets: Bulleted lists should be left justified and should use small filled squares for bullets.

Title: The title for your paper or abstract should be in Arial, 20pt and bold, left justified and in capital letters. Place one blank line (12pt not bold) after the title. There should be no separate title page.

Author Information: After the title, give the name of each author followed with a superscript letter which corresponds to their further information. Each author’s name should be in Arial 10pt left justified. Presenting author’s name and email should be included in Arial 8pt left justified. Below this, further information about the author includes Department or Centre, Institution, State Postcode Country.

Example of this layout can be seen as follows:

Author 1a, Author 2b

Presenting Author: Presenting Author’s name (presenting author’s email) aDepartment or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country bDepartment or Centre, Institution, City State Postcode, Country

Keywords: The word “Keywords” should be Arial 12pt bold and capital followed by a colon. The keywords for the paper should follow in Arial 10pt. List at least 3 keywords.

An example is shown below:

KEYWORDS: collaborative learning, generic attributes, quantitative analysis, online learning

Sub-theme: Specify the recommended sub-theme most applicable to your abstract from the following options. Sub-themes will be used to help arrange the program, and will not appear in the published abstract.

  • Belonging: submissions under this sub-theme explore what it means to belong. This can include students’ sense of belonging to a university, discipline or class group; academics feeling welcome or valued if their work is research-focused or education-focused; initiatives to build a sense of community etc.
  • Assessment: submissions under this sub-theme should share best-practice, lessons learned and/or new approaches to assessing student learning.
  • Modes of learning: submissions under this sub-theme should explore different mechanisms for enabling learning experiences within programs and courses. This sub-theme may include papers on the use of labs, practicals and field trips; authentic and work-integrated learning; online and hybrid teaching modes etc.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: submissions under this sub-theme should provide insight into different challenges, approaches and solutions to creating equity, diversity and inclusion in the tertiary classroom and/or on campus. This could include, for example, modifications to traditional teaching structures to facilitate accessible learning for neurodiverse cohorts, and those with chronic conditions and specific needs.
  • Empowering educators: submissions under this sub-theme should address building the capability and impact in teaching teams. This might include, for example, insights and evaluation of initiatives in professional learning, peer-mentoring, sessional staff training, and communities of practice.
  • Indigenous ways of knowing and learning: submissions under this sub-theme should focus on embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander perspectives, content and pedagogies into tertiary STEM curricula.
  • Other: if your submission does not fit under one of the listed sub-themes, or you cannot decide between sub-themes, choose this category. The sub-themes are for use by the program committee to help arrange the program, and will not appear in the published abstract.

 An example is shown below:

SUB-THEME: Belonging

Headings: Use no more than 3 levels of heading and ensure they are applied consistently. The first level heading should be left justified, Arial 12pt bold and capital. The second level heading should be left justified, Arial 10pt bold and capital. The third level heading should be left justified, Arial 10pt bold italic.

Body: The main text should be Arial 10pt with left alignment. Each paragraph should be followed by one blank line.

Bulleted List:  Left alignment, no indent and hanging paragraph set to 0.5 cm.

Diagrams, Tables and Figures:  All diagrams, tables and figures included in the abstract should be clearly labelled and centred between the margins. Please leave one blank line (10pt not bold) before the diagram, table or figure. Insert the label below figures in Arial 10pt bold and left aligned. Insert the label above tables in Arial 10pt bold and left aligned. Leave one blank line (10pt not bold) after the label. If the figure has no label, insert one blank line (12pt not bold) after the figure.

All diagrams and figures created in programs other than Microsoft Word should be gif, tiff or jpeg images.

Quotation marks: Use the Australian Government Publishing Service or APA Style, i.e. single smart quotes, with the exception of a quotation within a quotation when double quotes are used.

Software: All reference to software should be given in italics. For example, WebCT.

Abbreviations: Avoid abbreviations such as labs, exams, tutes. e.g., i.e., etc. et al. (no italics)

In-text references

Use the author-date system, i.e., Australian Government Publishing Service or APA Style and avoid the use of footnotes. Insert the sequence (Name year) into the main text for a citation to a literature reference. Name refers to the family name of the author and year refers to the year of publication.

All in-text citations must be written in full, regardless of the number of authors, the first time it is cited within the paper. et al. can be used for the following citations of three or more authors. The year is written in long form (i.e., 1999) and use running lower case letters if you refer to more than one article of an author of the same year (e.g., Jones 1999a, 1999b). Where more than one reference is used, separate each reference with a semicolon (e.g., Jones 1999a; White & Beckett 1997). Where a quote from the source document is included in the text, please refer to the page number, as in Jones (1999a; p.125). For quotations over two lines start a separate line (no space, no quotation marks) and indent the quotation 0.5 cm from the margin.


this special form (Black & Lines, 1998b) is very … … as described by Black and Lines (1998a) … … and this argument (Keystone et al., 2000c) is used … … across time and space (Jones 1999a; White & Beckett 1997).

Literature references

Start the literature references with the heading “References” using the same formatting for a first level heading. The text should be in Arial 8pt with left alignment. The second and subsequent lines for each reference should be indented by 0.5 cm. All references should be in APA Version 5. This means alphabetical order of the first author. Please use the referencing styles exactly as shown at the end of these guidelines to ensure consistency throughout the proceedings. The following provides examples of referencing for different sources:

Books: Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991) APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Chapters in Books: McKenzie, H., Boughton, M., Hayes, L., & Forsyth, S. (2008). Explaining the complexities and value of nursing practice and knowledge. In I. Morley & M. Crouch (Eds.), Knowledge as value: Illumination through critical prisms (pp. 209-224). New Jersey: Rodopi.

Articles published in conference proceedings: Edge, M. (1996). Lifetime prediction: Fact or fancy? In M. S. Koch, T. Padfield, J. S. Johnsen, & U. B. Kejser (Eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Research Techniques in Photographic Conservation (pp. 97-100). Copenhagen, Denmark: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

Journal Articles: Always write the journal name in full. Ampersand: Use the word “and” between the authors’ names within the text and use the ampersand in the parentheses. Use ampersand in reference list

Breen, R., Lindsay, R., Jenkins, A., & Smith, P. (2001). The role of information and communication technologies in a university learning environment. Studies in Higher Education, 26(1), 95-114.

Webpage with an author: Welch, N. (2000, February 21). Toward an understanding of the determinants of rural health. Retrieved January 9, 2002, from

Webpage with no author: ANCI national competency standards for the Registered Nurse and the Enrolled Nurse (2000). Retrieved January 28, 2002, from

Internet article based on a print source: Swanson, H.L. (1999). What develops in working memory? A life span perspective [Electronic version]. Developmental Psychology, 35, 986-1000.