WIL resources

This page lists some useful resources for growing WIL in Science. These resources can help you to plan, develop, deliver and evaluate your WIL activities. Send in your suggestions to add to this page to acdsteachinglearning@gmail.com.


Australian Collaborative Education Network (ACEN) Strategic leadership for work integrated learning http://acen.edu.au/

Higher Education Academy, Framework for embedding employability in higher education, https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/enhancement/frameworks/framework-embedding-employability-higher-education

ACDS Teaching and Learning Centre, WIL in Science https://www.acds.edu.au/centreprojects/work-integrated-learning/

OLT Projects (http://www.olt.gov.au/resource-library)

Good Practice Report (2011): Work-integrated Learning, Jan Orrell (http://www.olt.gov.au/resource-library?text=orrell+good+practice+report) (covers OLT reports to 2011)

Leading WIL: A distributed leadership approach to enhance work integrated learning: final report (2014) Carol-joy Patrick, Wayne Fallon, Malcolm Campbell, Ian Devenish, Judie Kay, Justine Lawson, Leoni Russell, Freny Tayebjee, Patricia Cretchley.

The Impact of Work Integrated Learning on Student Work-Readiness (2014) Calvin Smith, Sonia Ferns, Leoni Russell, Patricia Cretchley. http://acen.edu.au/wil-impact/

Developing Graduate Employability through Partnerships with Industry and Professional Associations (2016) Margaret Jollands, Catherine Pocknee, Bronwyn Clarke, Danilla Grando, Margaret Hamilton, John Smith, Sophia Xenos, Megan Brodie, Angela Carbone, Lorelle Burton.

Reports and Publications

Atkinson G, Misko J, Stanwick J (2015) Work integrated learning in STEM disciplines: employer perspectives, http://www.chiefscientist.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/NCVER_WIL-employer-perspectives.pdf

Ai Group. (2016). “Uni students – good news for your business” http://cdn.aigroup.com.au/Workforce_Development/FactSheets/Employer_guide_UniStudents.pdf

Bridgstock, R. (2009). “The graduate attributes we’ve overlooked: Enhancing graduate employability through career management skills.” Higher Education Research & Development 28(1): 31-44.

Edwards D, Perkin K, Pearce J, Hong J (2015). “Work Integrated Learning in STEM in Australian Universities. (2015)”, http://www.chiefscientist.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/ACER_WIL-in-STEM-in-Australian-Universities_June-2015.pdf

Ferns S (2014), HERDSA Guide: Work Integrated Learning in the Curriculum, http://herdsa.org.au/publications/guides/work-integrated-learning-curriculum

Kaider F & Hans-Weisson R (2015) Enhancing courses for employability: final report. Australian Collaborative Education Network. Available from http://acen.edu.au/resources/enhancing-courses-for-employability/

National Strategy on Work Integrated Learning in university education (2015) Universities Australia, ACCI, AiGroup, Business Council of Australia, ACEN, http://acen.edu.au/resources/national-wil-strategy/

Oliver, B. (2015). “Redefining graduate employability and work-integrated learning: Proposals for effective higher education in disrupted economies.” Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability 6(1): 56-65. Available from https://ojs.deakin.edu.au/index.php/jtlge/issue/view/95

Prinsley R  and Baranyai K (2015) STEM-trained and job-ready, http://www.chiefscientist.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/ACER_WIL-in-STEM-in-Australian-Universities_June-2015.pdf

PhillipsKPA (2014). Engaging employers in work integrated learning: current state and future priorities (2014) http://www.phillipskpa.com.au/case-studies/higher-education/engaging-employers-in-work-integrated-learning-current-state-and-future-priorities

Yorke, M. and P. Knight (2006). “Embedding employability into the curriculum.” Higher Education Academy, York.