About Us President’s Welcome The Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) was originally constituted in 1995 to be the voice of science teaching and research in the Australian university system. It comprises the Deans (or equivalent) of all Australian universities who have a Science Faculty (or similar). Science provides the key to understanding the physical world. As well as the fundamental knowledge provided by science, its application is central to our ability to live in the modern world, to provide resources, to grow our economy, and to care for our community, our health and our environment. The ACDS advocates science research and education as essential partners in innovation and technological change, and as key enablers of individuals to participate in and harness the benefits of change through their better understanding of the world in which we live. It encourages universities, schools, business and government to adopt policies that develop a strategic, co-ordinated and balanced approach to all of these aspects of science. The ACDS supports and shares best practice in academic leadership, teaching, and research to deliver excellence and impact through its Teaching and Learning Centre, and its National Research Network. It advocates for the importance of science education and research and embraces translation of knowledge into solutions for global problems, new products and new technologies. The ACDS develops capability of its member Deans and values and supports equity diversity and inclusion. Professor Melissa BrownPresident, Australian Deans of Science Inc.