The Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME) is an annual conference where tertiary science and mathematics educators share ideas and keep up to date. It serves the Australian higher education community as a major forum for presentations and networking in science and mathematics education, with an important role in providing professional development and national visibility for academics who teach in these areas. The conference covers scholarship of teaching and learning and educational research as well as being a venue for sharing good practice.
ACSME usually runs for two days with a third “Discipline Day” of workshops and networking both within your science discipline and more broadly. The venue for the conference rotates among major cities in Australia.
Science and mathematics for this conference encompasses biological sciences, chemistry, geosciences, health sciences, information technology, learning and cognitive sciences, mathematics and statistics, molecular and microbial sciences, physics and psychology as well as the various fields of the applied sciences.
Submissions are welcome from any tertiary science academic with an interest in education.
Presenters can choose the option of publishing a full, peer-reviewed paper in a special issue of the International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics. All abstracts are also peer-reviewed and are published in conference proceedings.
ACSME 2025 will be held at The University of Melbourne.