Submissions and presentations

Submissions are invited in the following categories:

  • Abstracts for Conference Days 1 and 2, one page limit per abstract, as in the Template.
  • Refereed Papers for Conference Days 1 and 2: Full article submission, including an abstract of no more than 200 words and length of 5-6 pages. These will be fully peer-reviewed.
  • Abstracts for Discipline Day Workshop.

Submission close: 2 June for abstracts for oral presentations and posters. 16th June for refereed papers.

Please note you will need to nominate one of the following sub-themes for your submission. The sub-theme will be used to help arrange the program, and will not appear in the published abstract.

  • Belonging: submissions under this sub-theme explore what it means to belong. This can include students’ sense of belonging to a university, discipline or class group; academics feeling welcome or valued if their work is research-focused or education-focused; initiatives to build a sense of community etc.
  • Assessment: submissions under this sub-theme should share best-practice, lessons learned and/or new approaches to assessing student learning.
  • Modes of learning: submissions under this sub-theme should explore different mechanisms for enabling learning experiences within programs and courses. This sub-theme may include papers on the use of labs, practicals and field trips; authentic and work-integrated learning; online and hybrid teaching modes etc.
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: submissions under this sub-theme should provide insight into different challenges, approaches and solutions to creating equity, diversity and inclusion in the tertiary classroom and/or on campus. This could include, for example, modifications to traditional teaching structures to facilitate accessible learning for neurodiverse cohorts, and those with chronic conditions and specific needs.
  • Empowering educators: submissions under this sub-theme should address building the capability and impact in teaching teams. This might include, for example, insights and evaluation of initiatives in professional learning, peer-mentoring, sessional staff training, and communities of practice.
  • Indigenous ways of knowing and learning: submissions under this sub-theme should focus on embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander perspectives, content and pedagogies into tertiary STEM curricula.
  • Other: if your submission does not fit under one of the listed sub-themes, or you cannot decide between sub-themes, choose this category. The sub-themes are for use by the program committee to help arrange the program, and will not appear in the published abstract.

Abstracts and papers must be formatted following the conference style guidelines.

The abstract or paper you submit for Conference Days 1 and 2 may be accepted as poster or oral presentation. Presentations in parallel sessions will be allocated according to sub-themes. the Program Committee will endeavour to allocate sub-themes based on author recommendations. This will depend on the number of submissions received and the topic of your submission.

If your abstract is accepted as poster, you will be required to present a one-minute “elevator pitch” of your poster. Posters and pitches will be presented in-person. Please contact the Program Committee if you can only present a poster online.

Discipline Day Workshop presenters will be asked to indicate a time limit for their workshop (1, 2, or 3 hours) as part of the submission process.  For accepted Discipline Day workshops, presenters will be required to liaise with the Program Committee if they wish to use a hybrid format, and may be required to provide their own Zoom or other platform link.

Accepted abstracts and refereed papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.