BEAN 2016: wonder and imagination

Bean 2016 Flyer Image

The Biosciences Education Australia Network (BEAN) is holding its annual meeting in Canberra on Dec 12-13 at ANU.  Again, BEAN is pushing boundaries with its theme: How can we use creative engagement to grow and sustain the sense of wonder and imagination for science in our students?

Day 1  features an exciting mix of designers, creative professionals and scientists who will provoke ideas and lateral thinking about the intersection between conventional science, creativity and effective communication.

Day 2  follows on with a workshop from the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science at ANU (CPAS) on finding and telling your science story.  Scientists and science educators can work with science communicators to fire the public imagination to explore and engage with science.

Prof Pauline Ross (OLT National Teaching Fellow) rounds out the program with a conversation entitled “Get out there… productive partnerships and the future of academia” where participants will discuss the ever-evolving academic role in the 21C.

This forum will be of interest and value to anyone interested in STEM education.

Registration and program information is online at:

We will also allow for some short talks in the final session as well as welcoming posters.

For further information, or to submit your poster ideas, email: