Issue #12 Australian University Science

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The latest issue of the ACDS magazine is out now. This issue is titled Better together and focuses on innovative collaborations between universities and industries that are driving more impactful and rewarding partnerships, for the benefit of Australia and its communities.

This topic is especially relevant following the recent launch of the National Science Priorities by our Chief Scientist Dr Cathy Foley. These inspiring new priorities have a strong focus on innovation, the development of new industries and the creation of a future made in Australia, with imperatives including ‘Science at the centre of Australian Industry’ and the development of ‘a diverse and skilled workforce to underpin the translation of science into new industries’.

In this edition we showcase examples of how university science is contributing to these goals, across the breadth of activities, from undergraduate education through impactful research. Other stories include highly productive partnerships between universities and SMEs that enable the sharing of infrastructure, resources, expertise and knowledge, with outcomes that are more than the sum of the parts in critical areas including energy transitions and food sustainability. We also showcase life-changing undergraduate, postgraduate and research student placements and internships, that enable the development of skills and the creation of opportunities for students and hosts alike. A reflection on the changing policy and funding landscape over the years and into the future is inspiring and provides hope as we pivot our nation to a brighter future through effective industry partnerships.

Read the latest issue here.

Australian University Science is a biannual magazine of the ACDS.  You can read and download all previous editions of the magazine from the ACDS website here.