Research University science has grown into much more than the pursuit of fundamental discoveries, although that remains the well-spring for all that it does. University science now reaches out to engage at every stage of the cycle in which knowledge is turned into new and better ways of doing things. The ACDS runs a number of events and provides a means for information sharing and collaboration to all those interested in science and mathematics research. The ACDS magazine Australian University Science highlights the interplay between university science research and industry as well as showcasing examples of how science works and the importance of supporting research at all stages . The previous issues of the magazine are available here. Latest Research News ACDS Newsletter – March 2025Welcome to the first of our quarterly newsletters of the ACDS for 2025! This newsletter includes updates from the ACDS, … Continue Reading» Congratulations to the newly announced Superstars of STEMThe ACDS congratulates and is inspired by the work of the recently announced Superstars of STEM. The latest 60 Superstars … Continue Reading» ACDS update from the President – December 2024Below is a summary of the latest update from the President of the Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) … Continue Reading» Dean’s and other leaders of University Science converged in CanberraThe annual ACDS Conference for Deans or equivalent leaders of University Science was held in late October in Canberra. The … Continue Reading» Issue #12 Australian University ScienceThe latest issue of the ACDS magazine is out now. This issue is titled Better together and focuses on innovative … Continue Reading» Research Leaders Network The ACDS Research Leaders Network is a forum for ACDS member university research organisational leaders in Australia’s science faculties and schools. It is intended to promote the generation and exchange of ideas on managing and sustaining the research culture of science faculties and schools. It will strive to inform national consensus and national policy positions for development by the ACDS, that will help Australia’s science deans maintain and expand the quality and influence of university science research in Australia. View ACDS Research Leaders Network National Research Forum The ACDS National Research Forum is held annually in September, for those with leadership roles in research, graduate research students and engagement. View National Research Forum