Resources by Content Type:


Screenshot Agco360

The Agriculture Corridor

First Year, Honours / Postgraduate, Second Year, Third Year • Assessment, Laboratory, Lecture, Open-ended activity, Problem set, Tutorial, Video / Audio • Citizen science/UG research, Communication skills including science communication, Critical thinking/problem solving, Cross disciplines, Literature research/information analysis skills, Reflection and metacognitive development, Student interaction, Teamwork skills

A collection (2 at the moment) of virtual field trips to (i) a nursery in Queensland and (ii) various entities in the Australian Pork supply chain.


Guide to conducting Group Work

First Year, Second Year, Third Year • Assessment, Guided activity, Open-ended activity • Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Life sciences

How to teach students to work effectively in groups

Brooke Cagle G1kr4ozfoac Unsplash

Setting Students up for Success with Groupwork

First Year, Honours / Postgraduate, Second Year, Third Year • Assessment, Guided activity, Laboratory • Assessment of transferable skills, Communication skills including science communication, Cross disciplines, Literature research/information analysis skills, Student interaction, Teamwork skills

How to teach students to work effectively in groups

Astronomy K Jackson

Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) written assignment

First Year • Assessment, Open-ended activity • Astronomy / Astrophysics, Physics

A written assignment where students use a NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day image to creatively communicate science to a general audience.


First year mechanics question bank

First Year • Assessment, Problem set • Mechanics, Physics

A bank of over 80 three-part questions covering the mechanics topic. Questions provided as Moodle STACK question type and as a PDF.


Learning chemistry using web-based interaction

First Year • Assessment, Guided activity, Problem set, Tutorial • Analytical chemistry, Chemistry, Electrochemistry, General Chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Materials Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Organic chemistry, Physical chemistry

300 web-based interactive learner-friendly activities dealing with chemical concepts introduced in high school and at first year university.

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MyScope Training

Honours / Postgraduate, Third Year • Assessment, Guided activity, Laboratory, Tutorial • Cross disciplines, Practical skills

MyScope Training is an online learning environment that combines theory with practice to train researchers to use various advanced microscopes.


BioLab Collective – Foundational Laboratory Training

First Year, Honours / Postgraduate, Second Year, Third Year • Assessment, Open-ended activity • Biological Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Life sciences, Medicine & Allied Health Sciences

Hands-on video demonstration of laboratory skills in molecular biosciences.
