University of Melbourne demonstrations First Year, Second Year, Third Year • Lecture, Video / Audio • Astronomy / Astrophysics, Electromagnetism, Mathematics, Mechanics, Optics / Waves, Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermal Physics and Statistics A series of pages including videos containing demonstrations for common physics topics.
Science and Mathematics Simulations (SciMS) First Year, Second Year, Third Year • Assessment, Laboratory, Simulation, Tutorial • Electromagnetism, Mathematics, Mechanics, Optics / Waves, Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermal Physics and Statistics SciMS is a set of online interactive simulations written with Geogebra/ Javascript demonstrating a particular mathematical or physical concept.
Five minute physics First Year, Second Year, Third Year • Guided activity, Laboratory, Lecture • Electromagnetism, Mathematics, Mechanics, Optics / Waves, Physics, Thermal Physics and Statistics Modules to support undergraduate physics with pages containing teaching material in the form of text, images, videos and interactive simulations.
Zoology Online First Year, Second Year • Biological Sciences, Life sciences This site contains a digitised version of the Haswell zoological collection, providing interactive images that allow comprehensive viewing of specimens.