Teaching and Learning About the centre The ACDS Teaching and Learning Centre was established by the Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) to inform science faculties and their stakeholders about quality teaching and learning in science and mathematics and to promote innovation in science and mathematics teaching and learning, and foster widespread improvement in practice. It seeks to identify and promote consensus, providing a strong national voice on teaching and learning. Its members consist primarily of Associate Deans Learning and Teaching, discipline education networks and other recognized learning and teaching leaders. The Centre explores key issues and good practice through conferences, projects and position papers. Its conferences include: ACDS Teaching and Learning Conference ACDS Annual General Meeting Australian conference for Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME) The governing board of the Centre is the ACDS Executive. The Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) comprises the deans of science faculties and senior representatives of science, from Australia’s universities. It is the voice of science teaching and research in the university system. Prof Elizabeth JohnsonInaugural Director, ACDS TL Centre Latest Teaching & Learning News ACDS Newsletter – March 2025Welcome to the first of our quarterly newsletters of the ACDS for 2025! This newsletter includes updates from the ACDS, … Continue Reading» Congratulations to the newly announced Superstars of STEMThe ACDS congratulates and is inspired by the work of the recently announced Superstars of STEM. The latest 60 Superstars … Continue Reading» ACDS update from the President – December 2024Below is a summary of the latest update from the President of the Australian Council of Deans of Science (ACDS) … Continue Reading» First Nations ways of knowing in scienceThe ACDS has recently released a position statement calling on the leadership of Australian University Science faculties to develop a … Continue Reading» View all T&L News ACSME T&L Fellowship Conferences & Webinars Projects WIL in Science Science TLOs CER-STEM Indigenous Science Repository of online resources